Baby on board

by The B Sharps (Los Borbotones)

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:33 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Transcripci�n: Mat�as Serafini

Song Author

Homero Simpson

Tabbed by

Mat�as Serafini


1st → Piano
2nd → Contrabajo
3rd → Percusi�n
4th → Lead
5th → Bar�tono
6th → Tenor
7th → Banjo
8th → Bajo
9th → Trompeta
10th → Violin
11th → Tromb�n
12th → Trompeta 2

File Size

28 KB




Ba-by on board, how i've a-dored that sign on my car's win-dow pa--ne. Bounce in my step. load-ed with pep, 'couse i'm driv-in' in the car-pool-la--ne Call me a square, friend I don't care, that li-ttle ye-llow sign can't be ig-no--red. [I'm tell-ing]you it's migh-ty nice, each trip's a trip to pa-ra-dice [with my]ba-by on board.